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Magento 2 Layouts and blocks inside php

Magento 2 have a good system for  organize the blocks by layouts, In Magento 2 that is more flexible . You can play by many ways .

We want show how the developers can play with all puzzles (layout block template and structure), the framwork Magento 2 have a component called View ("vendor/magento/framework/View"), it have almost all needed class for manage the frontend view in back and font office ,
 you can inject the class Magento\Framework\View\Layout  by factory for get instance of layout class . let's imagine your contruct  in plugin by example is :

  2.     public function __construct(
  3.       \Magento\Framework\View\LayoutFactory $layoutFactory
  4.     ){
  5.         $this->_layoutFactory= $layoutFactory;
  6.     }

And use in your fucntion :

  2. public function resolveLayot()
  3. {
  4.         $this->_layoutFactory
  5.             ->createBlock('\MyVendor\MyModule\Block\Ship',
  6.             'mycustom.block',
  7.             ['data' => ['title' => "My Title"]]) ;
  8. }

Let's translate all this lines to xml :

  2. <block class="MyVendor\MyModule\Block\Ship" name="mycustom.block">
  3.         <arguments>
  4.         <argument translate="true" name="title" xsi:type="string">My Title</argument>
  5.         </arguments>
  6. </block>

You can add the template .phtml path just push inside your block  MyVendor\MyModule\Block\Ship  the parameters $template as :

  2. protected $_template = 'MyVendor_MyModule::template.phtml';

But here is absolute declartion .  how you can tell to system where is the parent block or container ? Simple your should use the class structure Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Data\Structure inject it and you can use :

  2. $this->structure->setAsChild('mycustom.block', 'product.info.details') ;

now you can call as child inside details.phtml for example .

Or you can use directly the object  $this->_layoutFactory   and use the method setChild($parentName, $elementName, $alias) . You can  use a lot of methods inside class layout getBlock($name) getXml() addContainer($name, $label, array $options = [], $parent = '', $alias = '') .

So other information:  "the class Structure register all map of child parent , and type of element block or container , and class layout .  use it for determinete the type of element with method isContainer($name) isBlock($name)" .


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