Many Magento users prefer to delete the orders rather than canceled, Magento 2 by default does not allow you to delete orders, for that our team Ibnab develop a new extension Magento 2 was able to delete unwanted orders .
Our new Extension Magento 2 Delete Order is available and work perfectly , you can select in grid all unwanted orders and use mass delete from top actions ….
for version 2.1 you can download from Store Ibnab
Manual installation :
past in your folder app/code
enable extension in app/etc/config.php by adding 'Ibnab_DeleteOrder' => 1,
and execute the command php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Install with Composer!
composer require ibnab/magento2-delete-orders:1.0.0
Then you'll need to modify 'app/etc/config.php' to activate the module. It should look a little like this:
<?php 'modules' => array ( ... 'Ibnab_DeleteOrders' => 1, ), );
Now you can delete orders from orders grid view ...
Video How install in magento 2.04 :