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Magento 2 Frontend : what about directives view media and store ?

In Magento 2 the directives is almost like Magento 1 in global idea but with new structure , it read from other location and use kind of processing.    
The big different I will extract the paragraph of bug from documentation of code :

  * @bug: the "_absolute" key is not supported by underlying services
         * probably this happened because of multitude of refactorings in past
         * The original intent of _absolute parameter was to simply append specified path to a base URL
         * bypassing any kind of processing.
         * For example, normally you would use {{view url="css/styles.css"}} directive which would automatically resolve
         * into something like http://example.com/pub/static/area/theme/en_US/css/styles.css
         * But with _absolute, the expected behavior is this: {{view url="favicon.ico" _absolute=true}} should resolve
         * into something like http://example.com/favicon.ico
         * To fix the issue, it is better not to maintain the _absolute parameter anymore in undrelying services,
* but instead just create a different type of directive, for example {{baseUrl path="favicon.ico"}}

Ok here I will introduce some  directive and use case :

1 - {{view url=images/logo.svg}} I will use inside tag img in new cms page :
<img src="{{view url=images/logo.svg}}" alt="" /> the resoult :

  1. <img alt="" src="http://mag2.com/pub/static/frontend/Magento/blank/en_US/images/logo.svg">

See is very cool  , Magento 2 use the path after  processing not using the absolute path …
Ok now I will use the same  directive but I add new store view germany de_DE from backend and we change the language to Germany in frontend we have as result :

  1. <img alt="" src="http://mag2.com/pub/static/frontend/Magento/blank/de_DE/images/logo.svg">

Note if you have any result after add new store view you need deploy this new language with :
 php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy de_DE

Magento 2 build the URL takes into consideration   kind of processing according to store view and the current theme if you see is blank …

What happen if I want an image from specific module inside my  theme like Magento_Catalog , simple use this {{view url=Magento_Catalog::images/logo.png}} the result is :

  1. http://mag2.com/pub/static/frontend/Magento/blank/en_US/Magento_Catalog/images/logo.png 

Note : you can use the same technique for css and js : {{view url="css/styles.css"}}
the result is  :

  1. http://mag2.com/pub/static/frontend/Magento/blank/en_US/css/styles.css

2 - {{media url=test/logo.svg}} now we read from media folder pub/media example :
<p><img src="{{media url=test/logo.svg}}" alt="" /></p>
after you create your folder test inside pub/media and add  logo.svg the result is :

  1. <img alt="" src="http://mag2.com/pub/media/test/logo.svg">

3 - {{store url="translation/ajax/index"}} give you the URL of current store the result for my case is  :

  1. http://mag2.com/index.php/translation/ajax/index/ 

This is all


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