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Magento 2 Action: the default injected objects ($request $response,$resultRedirectFactory )

Magento 2 Action allow the developers using $request $response and $resultRedirectFactory  objects without injecting (DI) by hand .
By extending \Magento\Backend\App\Action for backend action case or \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action for global case , you have $request $response and $resultRedirectFactory .

1 – Request :

the top level parent class of action is Magento\Framework\App\Action\AbstractAction ,  AbstractAction injected by di with \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context $context .

  2.     public function __construct(
  3.         \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context $context
  4.     ) {
  5.         $this->_request = $context->getRequest();
  6.         $this->_response = $context->getResponse();
  7.         $this->resultRedirectFactory = $context->getResultRedirectFactory();
  8.         $this->resultFactory = $context->getResultFactory();
  9.     }

and give you two getters for using in the children class :
  2.     /**
  3.      * Retrieve request object
  4.      *
  5.      * @return \Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface
  6.      */
  7.     public function getRequest()
  8.     {
  9.         return $this->_request;
  10.     }
  12.     /**
  13.      * Retrieve response object
  14.      *
  15.      * @return \Magento\Framework\App\ResponseInterface
  16.      */
  17.     public function getResponse()
  18.     {
  19.         return $this->_response;
  20.     }

Ok inside your action you can get it :
$request = $this->getRequest() ;
the request object give you many method you can find inside interface RequestInterface  :

  2.     public function getModuleName();
  3.     public function setModuleName($name);
  4.     public function getActionName();
  5.     public function setActionName($name);
  6.     public function getParam($key, $defaultValue = null);
  7.     public function setParams(array $params);
  8.     public function getParams();
  9.     public function getCookie($name, $default);
  10.     public function isSecure();

Example of how use:

A - ok imagine we want restrict the access to categories by customer group and we want execute a code just if we point in the specific module :

  2.      if($request->getModuleName()  == “Magento_Catalog”)
  3.     {
  4.       //you code
  5.     }

B – get value of parameter in url :

  2.      $id = $request-> getParam(“id”,0);

the secode attribute is the default value if the parameter doesn't exist in url

C – forward to other module controller and action (this method isusefulin unit test):

  2.      $this->getRequest()->setModuleName($currentModuleName);
  3.      $this->getRequest()->setControllerName($currentControllerName);
  4.      $this->getRequest()->setActionName($currentActionName);

But for almost for full stack method you need open Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http because Magento 2 when you  call RequestInterface  give you with preference  Http class as result .


2 – Response :

Ok see :
    <preference for="Magento\Framework\App\ResponseInterface" type="Magento\Framework\App\Response\Http" />

A – Return Json Content:

  2. return $this->getResponse()->representJson($this->jsonHelper->jsonEncode($response_array));

the $this->jsonHelper is instance of \Magento\Framework\Json\Helper\Data you can injected by DI

B – Append content to body :

  2. $this->getResponse()->appendBody($this->jsonHelper->jsonEncode($data));

C – Public and private cache :
you can use two method for that :
setPrivateHeaders($ttl) and setPublicHeaders($ttl) ;
$ttl :is int variable represent max-age and expire date by second
To handle this situation, every response may be set to be public or private:
Indicates that the response may be cached by both private and shared caches.
Indicates that all or part of the response message is intended for a single user and must not be cached by a shared cache.


3 – resultRedirectFactory :

Yes for redirect your page to other Url you can use :

  2. $resultRedirect = $this->resultRedirectFactory->create();
  3. $resultRedirect->setPath('customer/account/');
  4. return $resultRedirect;



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