Magento 2 is coming with great zoom effect in product page view , in this tutorial we will try to explain how you can customize the zoom behavior in product page ,
Ok , first you need create you own module in magento 2 (you can saerch in google) , in ibnab we created extension with name Ibnab_CloudZoomy , Magento 2 system use the Block Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\Gallery inside Magento_Catalog Module , and if you go to vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/frontend/layout/catalog_product_view.xml you can find the related template of this block :
<container name="" htmlTag="div" htmlClass="product media" after=""> <block class="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\Gallery" name="" template="product/view/gallery.phtml"/> </container>
Yes we rewrite this block and push our custom template , the easy technique is to use (app/code/Ibnab/CloudZoomy/etc/frontend/di.xml) :
<?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd"> <preference for="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\Gallery" type="Ibnab\CloudZoomy\Block\Product\View\Gallery"/> </config>
Yeah now we can create our own block class and push own template , you can copy past Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\Gallery inside Ibnab\CloudZoomy\Block\Product\View\Gallery and add attribute :
protected $_template = 'Ibnab_CloudZoomy::product/view/gallery.phtml';
Now the block system is rewrited and related to our template , we can customise function of block or content of template , of create template inside :
you can get content of this template from original template in vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/frontend/templates/product/view/gallery.phtml .
I cloud zoom extesnion we use the file cloud-zoom.1.0.2,js we added to path app/code/Ibnab/CloudZoomy/view/frontend/web/js/cloud-zoom.1.0.2.js
and we pushed inside requirejs-config,js in path app/code/Ibnab/CloudZoomy/view/frontend/requirejs-config.js
var config = { map: { '*': { ibnabzoom: 'Ibnab_CloudZoomy/js/cloud-zoom.1.0.2' } } }
Yes for using in gallery,phtml :
<?php $typeGallery = $this->getConfigValue('ibnab_cloud_config/general/enabledisable'); $jsonGallery = $block->getGalleryImagesJson(); ?> <div class="gallery-placeholder"> <?php ?> <a href="<?php echo $arrayJsonGallery[0]['full']; ?>" class = 'cloud-zoom' id='zoom1'rel="" > <img src="<?php echo $arrayJsonGallery[0]['img'];?>" title="<?php echo $arrayJsonGallery[0]['caption']?>" /> </a> <div class="more-views"> <ul> <?php $i=0 ?> <?php foreach ($arrayJsonGallery as $_image): ?> <li> <a href='<?php echo $_image['full']; ?>' class='cloud-zoom-gallery' title='Thumbnail <?php echo $i=$i+1; ?>' rel="useZoom: 'zoom1', smallImage: '<?php echo $_image['img']; ?>' "> <img src="<?php echo $_image['thumb']; ?>" alt = "<?php echo $_image['caption'] ?>"/></a> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> <script> require([ 'jquery', 'ibnabzoom', 'mage/apply/main', 'galleryList' ], function ($, ibnabzoom, mage, gallery) { }); </script>
you can add configuration or anything you want to more customize your image zoom inside product page view .
You can explore our free extension Magento 2 Quick Cloud Zoom