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Track V1 Rest url (how you can explore the path of request)

Magento choose to use some interaction client as service (click) , for example when you try to place order you get url like rest//V1/guest-carts/:cartId/payment-information , ok but how you can see where is point this url ? Is a module controller action url ? Wrong is a service .
Go and open the webapi.xml inside folder etc Yeah : you will find all the service related to current module . For example :

  2.     <!-- Guest place order with payment information saving -->
  3.     <route url="/V1/guest-carts/:cartId/payment-information" method="POST">
  4.         <service class="Magento\Checkout\Api\GuestPaymentInformationManagementInterface" method="savePaymentInformationAndPlaceOrder"/>
  5.         <resources>
  6.             <resource ref="anonymous" />
  7.         </resources>
  8.     </route>

But how you can read :
Easy you will use as post(method) ,  is related to interface  GuestPaymentInformationManagementInterface , inside it you can find all abstraction of service , but the real class to execute is Magento\Checkout\Model\GuestPaymentInformationManagement magento use preference to create relation between service and model :

  2.     <preference for="Magento\Checkout\Api\GuestPaymentInformationManagementInterface" type="Magento\Checkout\Model\GuestPaymentInformationManagement" />

Now is the time to explore the method  savePaymentInformationAndPlaceOrder inside 
 Magento\Checkout\Model\GuestPaymentInformationManagement .

You can create you're own service by using this references :


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