In this course we will talk about how listening save configuration event inside OroCommerce , and we’re going to use this event to update custom included CSS File Our Example Bundle named by
IbnabConfigCssBundle the full path src/Ibnab/Bundle/ConfigCssBundle/IbnabConfigCssBundle.php
the learn how to create you custom OroCommerce Bundle refer to :
and to create configuration setting:
1 - Start By Configuration and event listener
So after create system_configuration.yml fill with :
system_configuration: groups: ibnab_config_css_setting: title: ibnab.config_css.system_configuration.groups.settings.title icon: 'fa-file' ibnab_config_css_view: title: ibnab.config_css.system_configuration.groups.view.title fields: ibnab_config_css.hcolor: data_type: string type: 'Oro\Bundle\FormBundle\Form\Type\OroSimpleColorPickerType' priority: 75 options: label: ibnab.config_css.system_configuration.fields.hcolor.label allow_empty_color: 0 allow_custom_color: 1 tree: system_configuration: platform: children: general_setup: children: ibnab_config_css_setting: priority: 500 children: ibnab_config_css_view: priority: 700 children: - ibnab_config_css.hcolor
We will add our configuration to general_setup section , is just color picker field with name , hcolor but the full name ibnab_config_css.hcolor , ibnab_config_css is the Alias inside DependencyInjection folder plz explore the Configuration.php and IbnabConfigCssExtension.php the see that .
For more explain visit basic infos about symfony:
Ok let’s start with configuration reader , the service is responsible to read or write configuration you can use directly , the class related to service is Oro\Bundle\ConfigBundle\Config\ConfigManager , Ok nice but we well use our configuration provider which using this service , inside your service.yml:
parameters: # Config provider ibnab_config_css.provider.configuration.class: Ibnab\Bundle\ConfigCssBundle\Provider\ConfigurationProvider services: ibnab_config_css.provider.configuration: class: %ibnab_config_css.provider.configuration.class% arguments: - ''
content of our class:
<?php namespace Ibnab\Bundle\ConfigCssBundle\Provider; use Oro\Bundle\ConfigBundle\Config\ConfigManager; class ConfigurationProvider { const HColor_FIELD = 'ibnab_config_css.hcolor'; /** * @var ConfigManager */ protected $configManager; /** * @param ConfigManager $configManager */ public function __construct(ConfigManager $configManager) { $this->configManager = $configManager; } /** * @return string */ public function getHColor() { return $this->configManager->get(self::HColor_FIELD); } }
Just one function to read our header color : getHColor() .
So the event responsible to detect on save config is :
event: oro_config.update_after by using the internal kernel listener name: kernel.event_listener , ok inside your service.yml push too :
ibnab_config_css.event_listener.color_change: class: 'Ibnab\Bundle\ConfigCssBundle\EventListener\ColorChangeListener' arguments: - '@ibnab_config_css.provider.configuration' - "@service_container" tags: - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: oro_config.update_after, method: onConfigUpdate }
method: onConfigUpdate is the function which we call it on config save , the class ColorChangeListener content :
<?php namespace Ibnab\Bundle\ConfigCssBundle\EventListener; use Oro\Bundle\ConfigBundle\Event\ConfigUpdateEvent; use Ibnab\Bundle\ConfigCssBundle\Provider\ConfigurationProvider; use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; /** * Saves the date when the config cache was changed. */ class ColorChangeListener { /** * @var ConfigManager */ protected $configProvider; /** @var ContainerInterface */ protected $container; /** * @param ConfigManager $configProvider */ public function __construct(ConfigurationProvider $configProvider,ContainerInterface $container) { $this->configProvider = $configProvider; $this->container = $container; } /** * @param ConfigUpdateEvent $event */ public function onConfigUpdate(ConfigUpdateEvent $event) { $changeSet = $event->getChangeSet(); $cssTemplate = ".middlebar{background-color:".$this->configProvider->getHColor().";}"; $fs = new Filesystem(); $publicPath = $this->container->get('kernel')->getProjectDir().'/public/bundles/ibnabconfigcss/css/configcss.css'; if($fs->exists($publicPath)){ $fs->remove($publicPath); } $fs->dumpFile($publicPath, $cssTemplate); } } }
$changeSet = $event->getChangeSet(); return array of all changed field and with if statement :
if(!empty($changeSet) && isset($changeSet[ConfigurationProvider::HColor_FIELD ]) ){
if our field has changed we will get the new value and dump to css file inside public bundle .
2 – How to include our css file to frontend them:
OroCommerce using the layouts system to manage frontend output let’s create the file configcss.yml inside path src/Ibnab/Bundle/ConfigCssBundle/Resources/views/layouts/default/page/configcss.yml
we have add a layout to default theme inside page folder , page folder contain the management of structure of page body head … the content is :
layout: actions: - '@add': id: ibnab_config_css_color parentId: head blockType: style options: src: '=data["asset"].getUrl("bundles/ibnabconfigcss/css/configcss.css")'
we have add block of type style to the head section , and with options src = path to file data["asset"].getUrl return url to public + "bundles/ibnabconfigcss/css/configcss.css".