Today we will add useful technique , by adding a thumbnail image to items grid inside admin order view , the seller need this feature to detect quickly which item has sold exactly .
You can download: Free Extension For OroCommerce Order Items Image (Clickable) At Admin
Inside this small course we will customize order items grid by Event Listener , you can refer to official docs
Our bundle in this tutorial is OrderItemImageBundle inside src/Ibnab/Bundle , the grid name of order items inside admin side is order-line-items-grid you can find in : vendor/oro/commerce/src/Oro/Bundle/OrderBundle/Resources/config/oro/datagrids.yml , you can use browser inspector or symfony profiler to find the name too.
Let’s start by creating of Event Listener , So add services.yml inside src/Ibnab/Bundle/OrderItemImageBundle/Resources/config/services.yml and load by DI , the content of our service well:
services: ibnab_order_item_image.event_listener.order_items_datagrid.event_listener: class: Ibnab\Bundle\OrderItemImageBundle\EventListener\OrderItemImageEventListener tags: - { name: kernel.event_listener, event:, method: onPreBuild }
So is simple we’re tagging default symfony kernel.event_listener , toe observe the event build.pre of our datagrid order-line-items-grid :
and the method where we well add the code is onPreBuild inside the new class Ibnab\Bundle\OrderItemImageBundle\EventListener\OrderItemImageEventListener , the code of our class:
<?php namespace Ibnab\Bundle\OrderItemImageBundle\EventListener; use Oro\Bundle\DataGridBundle\Event\PreBuild; class OrderItemImageEventListener { /** * @param PreBuild $event */ public function onPreBuild(PreBuild $event): void { $config = $event->getConfig(); $config->offsetSetByPath('[columns][product]', ['label' => 'oro.product.entity_label','type' => 'twig','frontend_type' => 'html' ,'template' => 'IbnabOrderItemImageBundle:Order:Datagrid/product_image.html.twig']); } }
So with PreBuild $event instance we’re getting the configuration of datagrid on pre build step:
$config = $event->getConf();
by method offsetSetByPath we have added a custom renderer to column product of order items datagrid :
$config->offsetSetByPath('[columns][product]', ['label' => 'oro.product.entity_label','type' => 'twig','frontend_type' => 'html' ,'template' => 'IbnabOrderItemImageBundle:Order:Datagrid/product_image.html.twig']);
let’s add our twig renderer inside src/Ibnab/Bundle/OrderItemImageBundle/Resources/views/Order/Datagrid/product_image.html.twig and the content is :
{{ record.getValue('freeFormProduct') }} {% else %} {% import 'OroProductBundle::image_macros.html.twig' as Image %} {% set productImage = record.getValue('product').imagesByType('listing').first.image|default(null) %} {% set productImageUrl = Image.url(productImage, 'product_small') %} <a href=" {{ path('oro_product_view',{'id': record.getValue('product').id }) }}" target="_blank"> <img src="{{ productImageUrl }}" class="image_inline" alt="{{ record.getValue('productName') }}"> {{ record.getValue('productName') }} </a> {% endif %}
easy we have got the code of default product column renderer and adding adding bit code to show image product too:
{% import 'OroProductBundle::image_macros.html.twig' as Image %} {% set productImage = record.getValue('product').imagesByType('listing').first.image|default(null) %} {% set productImageUrl = Image.url(productImage, 'product_small') %} <a href=" {{ path('oro_product_view',{'id': record.getValue('product').id }) }}" target="_blank"> <img src="{{ productImageUrl }}" class="image_inline" alt="{{ record.getValue('productName') }}"> {{ record.getValue('productName') }} </a>
Is all => some part of the tutorial need to refer to some basic symfony technique.