The Complete Course
Orocommerce is new b2b ecommerce system , this system will need customizable themes , and the frontend developer need know how use color picker field for giving the ability to user for customizing the theme from admin panel ,
Ok orocommerce is built on top of oro platform , and the platform propose to you a lot of form type , you can find all in path vendor/oro/platform/src/Oro/Bundle/FormBundle/Form/Type/ .
One of them is OroSimpleColorPickerType and OroSimpleColorChoiceType . Let's try using simple example of how you can use OroSimpleColorPickerType .
In your Entity for example create property backgroundColor :
/** * @var string|null * * @ORM\Column(name="background_color", type="string", length=7, nullable=true) */ protected $backgroundColor;
and inside you form type you can add field related to this property :
->add( 'backgroundColor', 'oro_simple_color_picker', [ 'required' => false, 'label' => 'oro.calendar.calendarevent.background_color.label', 'color_schema' => 'oro_calendar.event_colors', 'empty_value' => 'oro.calendar.calendarevent.no_color', 'allow_empty_color' => true, 'allow_custom_color' => true ] )
you have here lot of options :
allow_empty_color : transparent or without color , the system will add square of no color
allow_custom_color : the user can choose any color from color picker
empty_value : label of no color choice example in calendar 'Use calendar color'
color_schema : just go to path vendor/oro/calendar-bundle/Oro/Bundle/CalendarBundle/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php
you will find a global variable passed by di content the custom color of default square proposed by the oro_simple_color_picker
example :
'event_colors' => [ 'value' => [ '#5484ED', '#A4BDFC', '#46D6DB', '#7AE7BF', '#51B749', '#FBD75B', '#FFB878', '#FF887C', '#DC2127', '#DBADFF', '#E1E1E1' ]
you can use OroSimpleColorChoiceType with alias oro_simple_color_choice the big different with OroSimpleColorPickerType , the oro_simple_color_choice don't allow custom choice of color :
example :
$builder->add( 'border', 'oro_simple_color_choice', 'label' => 'ibnab.pmanager.producttemplate.border.label', 'required' => false, ) );
Other Thing you can use this field in system configuration example with oro_color_table (more colmplex field):
system_configuration: groups: calendar_settings: title: oro.calendar.system_configuration.groups.calendar_settings.title fields: oro_calendar.calendar_colors: data_type: array type: oro_color_table options: label: oro.calendar.system_configuration.fields.calendar_colors.label oro_calendar.event_colors: data_type: array type: oro_color_table options: label: oro.calendar.system_configuration.fields.event_colors.label tree: system_configuration: platform: children: general_setup: children: look_and_feel: children: calendar_settings: children: - oro_calendar.calendar_colors - oro_calendar.event_colors
you can now use the picker or choicer ot color table …..