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OroCRM : Create custom grid action (technique and secret)

1 – Now if you want create custom action oro platform have perfect technique for handling the datagrid and put your custom action link in any grid .
First create folder extension inside your bundle Extension/Action/Actions/GetpdfAction.php
I want extend ajax action behavior for that I will extends :
the content of the class

  1. <?php
  2. namespace Ibnab\Bundle\PmanagerBundle\Extension\Action\Actions;
  3. use Oro\Bundle\DataGridBundle\Extension\Action\ActionConfiguration;
  4. use Oro\Bundle\DataGridBundle\Extension\Action\Actions\AjaxAction;
  5. class GetpdfAction extends AjaxAction
  6. {
  7. /**
  8. * @var array
  9. */
  10. protected $requiredOptions = [  'entity_name', 'data_identifier'];
  11. public function getOptions()
  12. {
  13. $options = parent::getOptions();
  14. $options['frontend_type'] = 'getpdf';
  15. if (empty($options['frontend_handle'])) {
  16. $options['frontend_handle'] = 'getpdf';
  17. }
  18. return $options;
  19. }
  20. }

see the frontend type is very important part  is the link between your action and custom js in second section 'getpdf-action.js'

Second now you need create requirejs.yml for declaring your custom js yes is for customize options , change message route or other for more info about all options go to :
ok inside requirejs.yml put :
  2. config:
  3.     paths:
  4.         'oro/datagrid/action/getpdf-action': 'bundles/ibnabpmanager/js/datagrid/action/getpdf-action.js'

And create file  getpdf-action.js inside  your custom bundle like:  Ibnab/Bundle/PmanagerBundle/Resources/public/js/datagrid/action/getpdf-action.js
put that :

  2. /*global define*/
  3. 'oro/datagrid/action/model-action'
  4. ], function (ModelAction) {
  5. 'use strict';
  7.     var GetpdfAction;
  9.     /**
  10.     * Ajax action, triggers REST AJAX request
  11.     *
  12.     * @export  oro/datagrid/action/getpdf-action
  13.     * @class   oro.datagrid.action.GetpdfAction
  14.     * @extends oro.datagrid.action.ModelAction
  15.     */
  17.     GetpdfAction = ModelAction.extend({
  18.         defaultMessages: {
  19.            confirm_title: 'Execution Confirmation',
  20.            confirm_content: 'Are you sure you want to do this?',
  21.            confirm_ok: 'Yes, do it',
  22.            confirm_cancel: 'Cancel',
  23.            success: 'Action performed.',
  24.            error: 'Action is not performed.',
  25.            empty_selection: 'Please, select item to perform action.'
  26.        }
  27.    });
  29.     return GetpdfAction;
  30. });

Third  now I want add my custom action to contact datagrid inside datagrid.yml of my custom option I will add :

  2. datagrid:
  3.     contacts-grid:
  4.         properties:
  5.             getpdf_link:
  6.                 type:       url
  7.                 route:      pmanager_default_getpdf
  8.                 params:     [ id ]
  9.         actions:
  10.             getpdf:
  11.                 type: getpdf
  12.                 data_identifier: c.id
  13.                 frontend_handle: dialog
  14.                 frontend_options:
  15.                     title: 'Address Book'
  16.                 entity_name: %orocrm_contact.entity.class%
  17.                 acl_resource: pmanager_defaut_getpdf
  18.                 label: pmanager_defaut_getpdf
  19.                 icon: eye-open
  20.                 confirmation: true
  21.                 link: getpdf_link

Fourthly oh don't forget creating service inside example action.yml with content :

  2. parameters:
  3.     ibnab_pmanager.extension.action.type.getpdf.class:    Ibnab\Bundle\PmanagerBundle\Extension\Action\Actions\GetpdfAction
  5. services:
  6.     ibnab_pmanager.extension.action.type.getpdf:
  7.         class: %ibnab_pmanager.extension.action.type.getpdf.class%
  8.         scope: prototype
  9.         tags:
  10.             - { name: oro_datagrid.extension.action.type, type: getpdf }

inside IbnabPmanagerExtension.php add :

  2.  $loader->load('actions.yml');

to function load
You can play now with it enter to contact grid page :
and refresh customize your getpdf-action.js and see if have action if not is note loaded
I find small truck for see if is loaded with my frontend-type I go to :
and I change the code to :
  2. /*global define*/
  3. define(function () {
  4.     'use strict';
  5.      var moduleNameTemplate = 'oro/datagrid/action/{{type}}-action';
  6.      return function (type) {
  7.          alert(moduleNameTemplate.replace('{{type}}', type));
  8.          return moduleNameTemplate.replace('{{type}}', type);
  9.      };
  10. });

this js maped every action with it js  based on frontend-type
and shift + ctrl + f5 = it will be show all loaded action by frontend-type and the js related to this action
More resources on the same project see all folder :
And folder :
See DatagridBunlde genraly in oro platform
For testing with changing js don't forget :
rm -rf web/bundles/*
php app/console assets:install
Five more on-line resource


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