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Sulu Symfony CMS : play with child's of node

Sulu Symfony CMS  :  play with child's of node

Sulu give you  the ability to create page content (node of type content) , and this page can contain child's page as you know CMS system need this technique for more flexibility .

First you can get the instance of your parent document let's say you have blog as the top parent document of other child's , ok for getting the path of you document you can extract from table phpcr_nodes in your db from column path ok my path is '/cmf/ibnab/contents/blog' (sulu take the name of this path document from title of your page content)

Ok now getting the service document_manager and find your document :

  2. $documentManager = $this->get('sulu_documentmanager.document_manager');
  3. $document = $documentManager->find('/cmf/ibnab/contents/'.$toptag ,$languageCode);

And now get service node_repository and use for getting the childs document (or nodes) :

  2. $webspaceKey = 'ibnab';
  3. $languageCode = 'en';
  4. $repository = $this->get('sulu_content.node_repository');
  5. $_currentblog = $repository->getNodes(
  6. $document->getUuid(),
  7. $webspaceKey,
  8. $languageCode
  9. );

Yes pass to twig :

  2.  $response = $this->renderStructure(
  3.       $structure,
  4.       ['page' => $_currentblog],
  5.       $preview,
  6.       $partial
  7.  );
  8.   return $response;

And inside twig :

  2.  {% if page._embedded.nodes is defined %}
  3. {% for child in page._embedded.nodes %}
  4.  <li class="2">
  5. <a href="{{ sulu_content_path((child .url)) }}">{{ child.title }}</a></li>
  6. {% endfor %}
  7. {% endif %}

Ok that is all .


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